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Monday, February 15, 2010

the finger of god

virgo- week of 2/15-2/21

the finger of god aspect that perfects all week is activating your 12th house of the unconscious, your 2nd house of self-worth and abundance and your 7th house of relationships. on monday mars sextiles saturn helping you to do the deep internal work required of you around your deepest hopes and fears and how they inform your self-worth and ability to embrace all that the Universe wants to give to you. both bodies are retrograde so this is very much an internal process. on tuesday neptune and chiron cojoin in your 6th house of work, service and well being. this long-awaited aspect has been instigating a deeply spiritual healing journey over the past year. connecting to your body and the work that you are here to do in profound ways is the gift of these two, and on the heels of the new moon last week amazing new things related to work and service are being set into motion! venus cojoins jupiter in your 7th house of committed relationships the same bringing opportunities for Divine Love connections with significant others. on thursday the sun moves into pisces and your 7th house and makes the finger of god aspect with mars and saturn over the weekend. if you put energy and commitment into yourself and your inner process the rewards will reveal themselves in your important relationships. you cannot truly meet another from a place of equality until you realize all that you are- the light and the shadow. once you do this you will meet someone from your center and if they are ready to meet you from theirs you are entering the new paradigm of partnership territory. it all starts with self-Love.

this is an excerpt from the posts at inharmony astrology.  i am slowly becoming an avid reader.

today's sound choice is from one of my favorite artist's of this millenium and this decade. here is adele with "daydreamer"

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