thanks for stopping by my blog. i have been blogging about meth addiction and recovery for over 3 years and i am amazed at all the things i've learned and the contacts i have made. my life has changed drastically since i began this journey. please look through the pages and utilize the search tool.
if you are struggling with meth addiction or know someone who is, you may find some resources or ideas that can inspire you or help channel your energy. at least i would hope that can happen.
one very important message i have absorbed is that people do recover from meth addiction. people recover every day. it is not hopeless at all. it is not easy, but it is worth the work. just keep comin' back.
to my friends and online family. i have expanded my writing and blogging to beyond meth recovery. you can find me at my new adventure... revived..
I place the same photo on my blog when moving it to a different address...i guess great people think alike...:)
HA! I love this photo!
I really love your blog...I've met Tina before. She wasn't very nice to me-beat me down pretty bad. I'm counting days-I have 72 days, and I think I should write a gratitude list today. Today, I am grateful but I'm in my head a bit.
Follow me on, or just support and check it out!
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