image credit..martin toye
As for believers, many will be gathered quietly with their families, waiting for Jesus' return. Among them is Tom Evans, 55, who has served as Camping's public relations aide in the lead-up to this weekend. He has been counting down in his 2011 "At-A-Glance" calendar: Day 100, Day 99, Day 98….
In the book, Evans has noted his appointments over his expected last weeks on Earth, and a reminder of his daughter's 3rd birthday. On May 21, he has written the words, "Have mercy Lord!" The rest of the book is blank.
The apocalypse will strike, Camping teaches, on May 21, wherever it happens to be 6 p.m. That means it will be Friday night in America when what Camping calls "super terrible" earthquakes will hit the New Zealand region.
The earthquakes will then roll on, time zone by time zone. The saved, perhaps 2% to 3% of the world population, will be whisked to God, while the rest will be obliterated in what he calls "a super horror story."
Camping reads neither Hebrew nor Greek, the two main languages of the Bible, but insists his arithmetic is ironclad. He calculates that God gave humanity 7,000 years to prepare for its destiny, just as Noah had seven days to prepare for the flood, and that May 21 is the terminus of human history if one counts time by the Jewish calendar. There are other signs of the end, he teaches. Gay rights. The rebirth of Israel, and the Jewish state's rejection of Jesus..... reprinted from
i walked around my office today to say goodbye to my bestie fellow workers. it seemed queer and a bit funny as i assured them that i have thoroughly enjoyed working with them and spending time with them, but i was going to be leaving tomorrow. i was to be called home and had different work to do.
this could be viewed as blasphemous i suppose. and i guess it is meant to be a bit of that. to believe that there is a fixed date when the angels among us are to be called home, seems a bit contrived. and a lot of wishful thinking. the angels among us most likely don't fantasize about leaving cuz they are into the task as hand. it makes sense that the "not" angels among us are bored with what they do and long for a change.
just a thought...
and another thought is that a mash-up might just be the best nod to this mash up of an idea about the predicted rapture tomorrow. if somehow it comes to be and this is my final post, i want to assure you that i am at peace with my life. although i feel i have much more to do, i know i can move on with peace and feel completely thankful that i found recovery in my life and have been able to share it with others..
I sort of think some people need rubberized table corners well into adulthood. ~Mary
Has Camping showed his face yet? I was quite excited about the prospect of being rid of all the calvinistic fundamentalists at last.
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