birds eye view

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Friday, July 18, 2008


greetings from 9500 feet above sea level. above are a shot from my room and then a pic during a hike.

lovely grand lake colorado. i have never been here before in the summertime. it is glorious-about 15 degrees cooler than denver and so very scenic. the air is cool and clear and the pace is much less hurried.

the retreat has been interesting. there are some guys from detroit, new york, ft. lauderdale, mississipi, georgia, arizona, and plenty from california. many are spending their days getting massages and body work. i tend to shy away from those types of things, instead i am hiking, reading, and napping. i did qi qong and tai chi the first morning but have opted to post today.

have met some nice guys, and some colorful ones,too. i especially am smitten with the guy from detroit who runs a nonprofit. he and his partner seem so normal and are so sweet. and i have been picking his brain as to how to choose a board of directors for a non-profit.

we are taking a sweet boat ride today on the lake and tonight is the final night. i am starting to wind down and feel rested. i could use another week away, i think.


Java said...

I'm envious. It looks (and sounds) wonderful. Enjoy!

Mark Olmsted said...

I second that emotion.

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