birds eye view

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Monday, September 15, 2008

a little praise

I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act.
Bill Gates

we are in the process of producing another newsletter. the articles have all been submitted and i have turned them over to the layout person. he does an amazing job i believe. he has already cut 4 things that i had sent, two of which i was originally excited about.

but i do believe he has a point and i am hopefully learning that it is not always my way. i am just thrilled that he will take the time to tackle this project with me. thrilled. i couldn't get done without him. he does lots of editing and decision making that we need to get this done.

i know i get crazy sometimes(?) as i try to push myself and people around me to make things happen, i also am very aware that none of these things are accomplished by me alone. it takes effort from many people to put out a newsletter, edit an article, start an organization, or even start a support group or create a logo. i love all these characters in my life that accompany me on this journey. they allow me so much room to run, jump, sing, and play in this refurbished life.

i need these people. i respect, and admire, and really need these people. they make my heart sing. thank you from the bottom of my heart and the top of my lungs...ta da!

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