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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

strike a pose

photo courtesy of kodiakkonfidential

Only the most deluded of us could doubt the necessity of this war.
John McCain

so much posturing going on in politics this year. what with gustav blowing through the gulf region and the republican vp nominee having more skeletons in her closet than elvira. if this posturing weren't such an affront to the future of so many people by way of this election, it would indeed be enjoyable. it actually mimics a mad tv sketch in many ways.

our beloved dems are little or no better. as bill mahr stated, the obvious missing presence of self-confessed adulterer john edwards from the dem convention displayed the same "out of sight, out of mind" policy that infects both political parties.

give 'em something pleasing to look at, and tell 'em what they want to hear. the truth is relative anyway, and transitory.

bleakly, i must add that i buy into this philosophy, too. the packaging matters if you want my attention. if things look better, they seem better, even if only temporarily. i don't always think about content, especially if the wrapping is really appealling.

has anyone mentioned the colorado minister who announced on the air that he was praying for rain on august 28th in denver to drown out festival obama? i wonder if he felt god was answering his prayers with the timing and appearance of gustav....or maybe he knows that the less that party is seen, the better they look.

Look around everywhere you turn is heartache. It's everywhere that you go (look around)
You try everything you can to escape The pain of life that you know (life that you know)
When all else fails and you long to be Something better than you are today
I know a place where you can get away
It's called a convention floor, and here's what it's for, so strike a pose


Anonymous said...

I think that we are attracted to shiny, pretty things from the moment we enter this life. I'm not so much disappointed in our being drawn to the superficial, what really pisses me off is that we insist that the superficial is reality. I seem to recall some bible verse that I'm about to badly misquote, "when I was a child, I spake as a child." I always thought that the point was that we were supposed to learn as we matured, and like the verse goes on to say, put away the things of childhood. Infants instinctively reach for the pretty,shiny things and can be amused for hours playing with their own toes; adults should know better.

Anonymous said...

I'm patiently waiting for a sex tape to surface....

Mark Olmsted said...

The evolution in the level of spectacle is simply a mirror of man's technological progress. Every generation wants to be faster, smarter, prettier, stronger, richer than the next, and we have the means to make it seem as if we are.
I wish I preferred McNeil Lehrer to MSNBC, but I'm as bad as the rest of us. But you certainly can't blame the conventions or politicians for doing what works. I don't give a flying leap who John Edwards slept with or whether Sarah Palin screwed the Alaskan hockey team, all I care is what they would do in office, and on that basis, there's no comparison. The most dangerous pose is a "pox on all your houses" cynicism. It's NOT all the same.

A Bear in the Woods said...

I finally accepted that Obama is not the new messiah who will save our nation and lead us to the promised land. He's just a politician.
But I hope he will at least be more honest and humane than the thugs who have been running things.
He's certainly smarter.

A Bear in the Woods said...

But I'm with Steve. I'm hoping for a tape of McCain having sex with a German Shepherd.

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