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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


reactions from around the world (on election night 2008)

Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.
Oprah Winfrey

someone i have come to know as a colleague in hiv work approached me yesterday with a query about a job offer. it would be connected with substance abuse at an hiv clinic. it also would include a decent salary, healthy benefits including retirement and health care. i was instantly humbled. there are two caveats i see in this. the first and most obvious was the big emotional hug and nod i received from this person. i received a validation that was completely unsolicited and was also heartfelt. i was told that the small organization loved working with me, and loved my approach to my work (i'm tearing up a bit as i type here). gosh, this feels good- whether or not the position comes through.

the other possible gift is that i could do participate in working with a mental health professional around treating substance abuse and mental health issues in accord. this particular item is of immense interest to me. in colorado, the fields mental health and substance abuse are treated separately. a person goes one place to deal with one and another to address the other. however, figures show that more than 50 percent of people with a mental health issue have substance abuse issues as well. additionally, it is shown that over 1/2 of people with substance abuse issues have active mental health issues too.

it has always confounded me that there aren't more processes geared toward and designed around this very large number of dually diagnosed. anyway, a good day for me. i am posting a set of pics sent to me called reactions from around the world. it has been a full week since these were taken. but the feelings from that night still glow inside.



Mark Olmsted said...

Look up "caveat"
Seems to be like the two reactions you had were entirely positive, not "caveats" at all.
Taking this job seems like the ultimate no-brainer. I hope you get it, big time.

absolutwillie said...

i'm hoping you get it too, big guy ;0) you definitely deserve it! (imho)

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