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Thursday, December 13, 2007

secret santa meme

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my blog bud steve tagged me at queer deviations yesterday.

i love this meme partially because i love the spirit of giving that is an integral part of this holiday season. may i just say that i wish you the best this holiday has to offer and a kindness to come into your heart. anyone should steal this meme if your heart desires. here are the rules:

1) Post a note about a blogger you would like to see something wonderful happen for. Maybe one whose posts have touched your heart in one way or another. Include details as to why you admire them and what you wish for them. Be as supporting and affirming as you can.

2) Post your favorite memory around selflessness, giving, or doing for others. Something that has actually changed you.

3) As a postscript, name one thing you will actually do for someone in your life before December 31 that is born out of joy.

4) Tag 3 other bloggers who will play the game and find the spirit. Don't forget to leave a comment on their blog so they continue to share the good feelings.

and here are my choices:

1) well i have to choose chris at last chance texaco. he is the first person who ever commented my first blog. he was then struggling with his meth addiction and was clearly looking for relief. his tenacity at finding a way to a better life has served as a complete inspiration for me. he is not perfect, but he is upfront about his mood, his state of mind, and his uncomfortability with the process of recovery. to read his blog is to witness miracles on a regular basis. sometimes his writing is gentle and focused, and other times it is frenetic and screeching in tone. it is an awe inspiring transformation to witness and it gives me hope on a regular basis. i am humbly reminded steadily that change is indeed a process and an absolutely beautiful thing to witness.

i would wish for him, some success from his obvious writing ability. if it's monetary, that's fine, but i would prefer that he gain self-confidence and self assurance that would alleviate some pain that self reflection must cause. i also would wish that he learns on a deeper level that he is truly lovable inside and out, and therefore loved as well.

2)i have been facilitating a group at a homeless drop-in center. i have been changed so much by this experience. i have learned that sometimes the biggest gift i can give someone is the act of listening and the act of being present and recognizing that other person. this is far more valuable than gift cards, or rides, or other items.

3)i will attempt to start a process which will share the joy of giving. i believe that most people really do like to give, and like to be asked for help and give help. this is due mainly to the fact that it makes us feel good when we do. i also believe that we need this feeling to be in our lives if we are to be truly happy.
i will also write my mother a letter this year for her card that really does express my gratitude that she stuck by me during the worst of my addcition, but was tough enough to say the word "no" to me and mean it. that "tough love" actually was instrumental in bringing me back to sanity.

my 3 bloggers whose work i adore and whom i wish wonderful things for are as follows:
ron hudson, krokodil, bigg

and i'm going to add one more for good measure- bearbrick love
visiting his site always makes me smile with wonder..

happy holidays..... i totally love the message in this song. and i dig the vid, too.


Krokodil Ngwenya said...

Thanks Rod!
You are a darling.
Will try to figure out how to tag and do the same.
(I still don't really know what I am doing with all this techhie stuf.)

Texaco said...

What a fantastic birthday present, Rod. Thank you. I had no idea.

Mark Olmsted said...

You know, come to think of it, Chris was the first commenter that I had that led me to almost all of the blogs that I read on a regular basis.
Being a catalyst is a GREAT THING.

Thank you for not tagging me, though I have a sinking feeling, eventually someone will.

Amelia said...

hi!first time here and i loved this post so much.I identify with what you sadi on realy does help us feel betetr and i alos trully belief we can never be trully happy till our lives touch others' lives by giving in one way or another.
i should write my mom a letter to, we have had a rocky year and i need to make her know i appreciate all she has done for me!
im going to chris's blog now said...

I am so touched by your words. Thanks for the vote of confidence, thanks for the inspiring anecdotes, thanks for the friendship. Merry Christmas in advance, Warrior Scout! :-)

Anonymous said...

This Meme is really circulating. You're a gem, Rod.

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