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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

for susan maurine

my friend susan passed away this morning. it was a quiet affair as her husband and a friend were present in the hospice while she broke free of this mortal coil. i had visited her yesterday and it was a challenge to not see that she was preparing herself for a departure. for me, the visit was a quiet and joyful witness to a very natural part of living.

what is not so joyful is being left here on earth to carry on. i believe that there are challenges ahead for those who loved her to come to terms with her passing. yes, she is no longer suffering, but many of us left behind still are. to find the tenacity to transcend this is my prayer for my friends today.

and my sound choice for today is very retro jane olivor with "one more ride on the merry-go-round"



Texaco said...

you've had a rough year in the losing friends dept., ws.

are you ok?

Unknown said...

I mourn for your loss. Losing a friend leaves such emptiness. Among my friends here in NC, I son't think that any of them weven know who Jane Olivor is. It's such a delight to find a friend like you with whom I can share my love of music. I purchased a 45 of Olivor singing Some Enchanted Evening when I was a freshman in college. I fell in love with her nuanced deliery and her perfect tone.I've been a fan ever since.

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