birds eye view

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Sunday, January 6, 2008


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i had dinner at a new friend's home last night. it was quite a trip, really. it was an unorthodox orthodox christmas celebration. he states that in many parts of the world, the celebration is really this weekend, coming to a close on monday. that is so for more than half of the orthodox people who celebrate christmas.

his own twist is that he creates an atmostphere of very unorthodox things with his decorations and ambience. he has menorahs hanging from outlets in the ceilings. he had christmas trees(full size ones) laying along his front steps to the house with lights in them. there was even a 10 ft tree suspended sideways above the dining table with lights, acting as a chandelier. but the best was a sewing machine on the kitchen floor with a baby doll wedged unter the needle arm. (this is a direct reference to a bad translation in the new testament of the bible.

it was bizarre, it was colorful and it was unexpected. and i had a lovely time. i remember how much i love alternative culture and alternative viewpoints. all is right with my world today. the elements in my life seem to have found the light.


Texaco said...

diagnosable - but fun at parties!

tell your friend I want my sewing machine back! LOL

Java said...

I think I would like this friend of yours.

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