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Wednesday, April 9, 2008


The teachings tell us that there is suffering.

There is dissatisfaction and frustration. Often nothing seems to go right. There really is a wound. But it is not necessary to scratch it. Working with addictions is about not just impulsively grabbing for something to stop the itching, not just grabbing for something to fill up the space, not giving in to this impulse to feel okay and just to get comfortable as soon as possible.

When we scratch the wound and give into our addictions we do not allow the wound to heal. But when we instead experience the raw quality of the itch or pain of the wound and do not scratch it, we actually allow the wound to heal. So not giving in to our addictions is about healing at a very basic level.

It is about truly nourishing ourselves.

it is my experience that this business of being with the discomfort and being in the pain is not easy. it is a challenge and must require practice. i am trying to weather a storm currently and i am sometimes forgetting who i am and what i believe. it is honestly an amazing thing to witness, let alone be in the middle of.

and, of course, this is where faith comes in. faith that i will come through this. faith that there is an end to this storm. there is some calm to follow. that something far greater will emerge. this is a bit of the practice of maitri.

if i can only be still and not fill the space that's created here with myself as i usually do, i'll be stronger.

1 comment:

Java said...

Being with the discomfort - not easy! I'm not sure I can live with the pain. That's where that faith thing happens, right? And hell, it's all so vague. I want it written down in neat bullet points with explanations and directions for FIXING it, dammit!

Hang tight, sweetheart. You got a grand set of awesome skilz.

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