going through the motions. setting the stage. making preparations. having meetings. sharing ideas. providing support. trying very hard to hold the light in some situations. worried about finances. ignoring a bill or two. feeling far flung. needing investors, having more meetings. no budget. questioning my motives. evaluating the ideas. working on forming an alliance. struggling with roles. receiving undiscerned outside signals. pushing through some fears. feeling fatigue. pushing on. having breakfast meetings. sharing ideas. having lunch meetings. explaining intention. feeling confused. finding strength.
is it gonna work? is it a good path? is it the way to go? will he be able to fight the forces of status quo? can he find the strength to help bickering subside?
here is another blast from my past... yes marc, i guess i definitely love the 80's. i saw her 2 times live. great shows. thought provoking and not run-of-the-mill. she hung out with burroughs which gave her status in my eyes as well. i loved (and would recommend) "walk the dog", too. i first heard it at "the warehouse" with frankie knuckles at the tables. it was a moment i'll never forget.
Oh yeah? Well I saw John Cage read from the phone book in 1983, when I lived on E. 3rd St next to the Hells Angels and across from Quenting Crisp, so there!
Definitely don't love the 80s yet, but I should come around. It took me seeing the cast of "Munich" before I got tender toward the 70's.
You'll love today's blog pic. I expect to see it up here soon.
Wow, that's quite a list of items to spend your energy noodling over. Got my adrenaline flowing just reading it. I am sending you good thoughts of stamina and perseverance, and am impressed by your drive and commitment to yourself!
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