i am chock full of meetings today and tomorrow and then chock full of parties on thursday, friday, and saturday after work hours. sunday i head for dc to attend ryan white all titles priorities. it should be a healthy growth experience.
i will be in dc during the week of the dnc. i'm a bit regretful about this. i won't miss the extra security hassles and the crowds, but i will miss being a part of what i hope to be a historical moment in our nation's history. this is to be more than just the sending of another candidate through the machine. this will also stand up and acknowledge a part of the changes our nation has come through. i think it a proud moment for the usa.
i guess i'm feeling nostalgic with the big b'day around the corner. i hope you don't mind me sharing some of my favorites that are probably lesser known. this is a live version of this song by the housemartins that still manages me to feel hopeful.
and here is another stand up that makes me smile.....
You are going into the new decade with a clear head and a lot of hard work behind you. Congratulations.
Sorry you'll miss the DNC. You're right, this is a big one, in so many ways different from anything previous.
Ironic that you're going to Washington as Washington comes to you.
I misread them at first as the Housemartinis. I sorta love that name though.
And THANK YOU for forwarding the Roundup info to me in the first place. I never would have known about it, and now not only will I go, but I'll meet my next husband there! One little email will change my life forever!
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