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Saturday, September 27, 2008


image borrowed from style revival

1. a reviving or being revived
2. a reawakening of religious faith
3. a new production of a play that has not been recently performed
4. a renewed use or interest in: there has been a revival of interest in HIV prevention in gay men in the U.S.

this announcement came from napwa earlier this week. i believe it is a result of the latest cdc estimates to come out about gay/bi men's rates of new infections. worldwide, the trend is similar. gay/bi men account for the largest percentage of new infections in places like europe, india, asia, australia, etc...

it seems to me, that we cannot wait for the world to take care of us. instead we owe it to our future generations to teach them to take care of themselves the ways in which we have learned thus far as well as will continue to discover. i consider it not just my opportunity, but my privilege to be a part of this. there is a national gay men's health movement afoot, and i have jumped on board.

here is the announcement:


The fact is that the HIV epidemic is far from over for gay men. Consider that:

Fifty-three percent of new HIV infections occurred among men who have sex with men (MSM) in 2006
From 2001 – 2006, men who have sex with men (MSM) across all racial and ethnic groups were the only transmission category with significant increases in HIV diagnoses
HIV incidence has been increasing steadily among gay and bisexual men since the early 1990s, consistent with increases in risk behavior, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and HIV diagnoses among MSM
Gay men comprise over half of the total number of total HIV/AIDS cases in the United States
More than 500,000 gay men of all colors have died in the United States.
Despite these numbers, gay men are only tangentially represented in national AIDS Awareness Day. An awareness day devoted solely to gay, bisexual, same gender loving and transgendered gay men fills a glaring gap in national HIV/AIDS consciousness raising efforts.
rest of article here:

and here is a flyer for you.


Mark Olmsted said...

While I certainly can't dispute any of your contentions, I would insist that at the core of resistance to progress in the realm of HIV education in communities of color remains the cultural conservatism and homophobia rampant in the these communities. These are not attitudes that can be easily changed by more outreach from the mostly white gay HIV activist community. These are rooted in the attitudes generated by the black protestant and the latin catholic churches. Deep change will come from within, and though it would help if more black and latino role models would come out, real change has got to come from a million individual decisions to tell mothers and abuelas that you like men better than women, and you will tolerate nothing but full acceptance. That's always preceded by self-acceptance, and often I think the best thing we can do to help that occur is to live out in the light as examples, 24/7.

nickysam said...

In the revival movement of today, the common practice has been for "spiritually lethargic" churches to call in a revival preacher to instill new life into the congregation, and solicit from members of the church new commitments to Jesus. Besides the fact that this "decisional" type of preaching is unbiblical, our greatest quarrel is with the experiential approach that most modern-day revivals take.

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