birds eye view

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008


How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannonball
Where were you while we were getting high?
Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova in the sky....
lyrics champagne supernova by oasis

i guess it is starting to hit me that i am feeling a bit burnt by all i am doing. i am not overwhelmed. i am not exhausted. i am just not in balance somehow. my meetings have dwindled down to 1 a week, although i am not unhappy about this really. i am working 4 or 5 doubles per week and doing volunteer work weekdays and weekends. i have very little time to have fun, and if i do have time, i am pretty spent and don't have the energy to actually go have any fun.

waaa waaa waaaa....

something's gotta give...

one of my former clients from the meth project called me last night. he has been sober 72 days and is feeling good. he stated that he was not ready when we had met earlier, but he wanted to touch base and wanted some referrals. i was very happy to hear from him.

i am taking a client to the doctor tomorrow who is not doing well physically, at all. it was a bit like having a corpse in my car the last time we were together. the person is still actively smoking crack and on methadone. they are very skittish, bitchy, and hard to deal with. i am hoping they decide to get better.

i'll end this post with some newly discovered truths. here is a list of five compiled by david richo. their sheer simplicity blows me away and helps me get back on track. of course, i know all these, but every once in awhile they come back into view, and it's honestly awesome when they do.

1. Everything changes and ends.
2. Things do not always go according to plan.
3. Life is not always fair.
4. Pain is part of life.
5. People are not loving and loyal all the time.


Java said...

Balance takes work, and a willingness to do that work. Tough some days.

I like the truths. Yes, obvious for most grown-ups (my kids are clueless) but I forget to apply some of these truths daily, and that knocks off my balance.

Anonymous said...

Ya gotta make some time for fun, and that's an order! BTW, the beginning of the acoustical version of Oasis' song is so subtle. I actually started to look on the porch to see if the chimes were blowing in the wind. That's what I thought it was, at first!

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