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Wednesday, October 15, 2008


photo credit: acid reflux

it seems a bit odd for me to do a post about big pharma, without it being from the perspective of a tread upon warrior. i mean, that's such a popular position for positives. in so many ways, we have become test animals for these companies and their many concoctions to combat the ever crafty hiv virus. and many times i have found myself begrudgingly beholden to these genetic engineering firms because i depend on their product to keep me going. i am thankful, yes, but sometimes i also feel resentment- not for life, but simply due to dependency.

however, this post is not about that (i know, i did sneak it in). instead it is about a cost savings. as you can surmise, the cost (even copays) of these "glamour drugs" can be tough. if a person is on a multi-drug regimen say 2 or 3 once or twice a day, then the co pays of $30-$40 a month starts to wear a hole in ones checkbook. it's enough to cause some folks to get the fuckits and drop meds entirely. and most of us know that's not a wise choice. but even those of us who have become spineless sheep when it comes to adherence can suffer more than just a decent couple of meals each month putting out the required cash.

so gsk (glaxo-smith-klein) has been developing and just enhanced their cost-savings program for the frequent fliers. they have created a debit-card which will pay for co pays for up to 2 years. the pilot program ran with a monthly max of $50, but the program is maturing and now has multiple drug regimen discounts which top out at $100a month.

i for one think it's good news and imagine it does help some folks choose adherence and good health.

here's the link for their savings programs. please do share it with any poz friends you have. the savings of $50-$100 a month can be a very welcome addition to any persons budget (especially in today's economy) and could very well promote a commitment to treatment adherence for some on a fixed income, limited budget, or limited patience.

and happy birthday to marc today..somehow we made it to 50 my friend. if you haven't read his blog, i would recommend a visit. marc is quite a character, with a big heart and a rapier wit. he has really become a part of my world- cyber AND 3-D. he has just begun working on a newsletter for CMA LA and you can find it online here. (p.s. sorry I won't be joining you in ptown for the roundup. say hello to billy)


Mark Olmsted said...

Thanks for the shout out Poz Warrior Girlfriend!
For the truly poor, at least in California, co-pays disappear when you get on MediCal. And there are ways to get on the Medicaid equivalent on your state without being ultra poor, if you are on SS disability. Its called the 250% program. Consult your local ASO, or

Anonymous said...

This is really cool stuff

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