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Sunday, November 30, 2008

the sound of silence

silence = death

Fools said i,you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you.
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence

i think probably the biggest enabler in the hiv/aids saga in the world is also the most quiet. it's the one we talk about the least yet it's the biggest danger of them all. it's denial.

what i don't know won't hurt me. if i don't think about it, it will go away. don't talk about that around me. don't ask, don't tell.

these are not criminal acts from the outside looking in. at least that's what they say. if i don't know, then i can't be held accountable, right? ignorance is bliss. see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. all of these cliches have been around for a long time. that is probably because human nature doesn't change much.

the best defense is a good offense. what we can do as citizens of the world is participate in the discussions of the issues and the search for a solution. if we expect someone else to do it, we may get something different than we bargain for. the more we don't speak about aids, the more distant the solution becomes. the less we demand answers for our fellow citizens around the globe who cannot speak as loudly as we can, the longer their suffering and fear continues.

i spent about 12 years living in denial. i was too frightened to even look at taking care of myself. i think i saw a doctor twice in that 12 years. i didn't want sympathy and i never spoke of it to many people. and when i did speak of hiv, it was haphazardly and i brushed it off. meanwhile, it ate at me inside.

today, i have a different tactic.

i speak.. i write... i acknowledge... i listen.....


lead.... empower..... deliver.

today's very obvious sound choice is the sound of silence by simon and garfunkel

more my style is "silence" on tiesto's delerium cd featuring sarah mclachlan


1 comment:

Mark Olmsted said...

If one looks at the AIDS experience in the rest of the world, it's clear the silence and denial around the disease is inherent to the extraordinary taboos that still surround sex in the world--whether gay or straight.
Our refusal to be silent must extend way past AIDS. We need a world in which people separate sex from shame.

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