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Saturday, October 13, 2007

this mortal coil

Mortal coil is a poetic term that means the troubles of daily life and the strife and suffering of the world. It is used in the sense of a burden to be carried or abandoned, most famously in the phrase "shuffle[d] off this mortal coil" from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

i just came from the district meeting of the 12step organization of which i am a member. it is a fledgling fellowship here, as so many of the newcomers don't stay. it's a challenging drug to stay free from. having that huge rush of emotions after quitting doesn't make life any easier to maneuver, either.

the meeting was the most boisterous i have seen it in two years. there is a whole new slew of members and everyone participates in the spirit of cooperation and there seems to be an essence of hope and anticipation which i have never sensed here previously. i find myself feeling some excitement and some of that wonder, too.

i witnessed an exchange of conscience tonight in this group. there is someone who was instrumental in bringing this organization to denver who has recently come back in from the spin cycle of use after having left the group with some collateral damage. upon this persons return, i have heard murmurs of concern and innuendo, certainly understandable and human considering the circumstances.

but, that first reaction is not what we are about. we are about extending our hands and expecting the best, even though "the best" may never happen. and we moved to that understanding together in congress after the whole situation, good and bad, was brought to the table. the board rallied and moved toward tradition, naturally and in a heartfelt manner. and i am proud to be on this board. and i am blessed to be reprieved of this mortal coil of first reaction, judgement and of fear, if only briefly.

i really do encourage you to sample the offerings on the menu bar of this vid today. these are among my all time favorite memories of days gone by. the collective of "this mortal coil" offers one of the richest and flavorful sounds i connect with the end of the millennium. made up of a myriad of band members from other successful and influential bands of the 80's and 90's, such as cocteau twins and dead can dance, the music they offered was at once melancholy and inspirational. "song to the siren" and "kangaroo" are two that come immediately to mind. here is what their record label has to say: profile. this artistic endeavor indeed did accompany me in my search to shuffle off this mortal coil.


Steve said...

I learned something new today! Thanks.

Unknown said...

don't you mean "spanks"? :p

Anonymous said...

Amazing article you've written. You should cross post this at Q.D.

You so should.

Wayward Son said...

One of my balking points about going to AA or any 12 stepping program was a perception that when a relapse occurred they all went scurrying. I know now this is not the case and that the rooms remain solid through it all—good and bad. None-the-less, it's nice to hear a story of clean N sober people having fears but practicing their faith. You once told me we should always expect the best even though the best might not be exactly what we expected—I am re-phrasing a bit but I am sure you know what I am writing of. And I now believe this to be true. Every time. Without exception.


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