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Friday, February 1, 2008

instant replay

image credit: nathaniel welch

so i found myself in a financial dilemna today. i say that rather obtusely, because i had seen an issue coming for a month or so at least. i just sort of let it happen, though. just like i was watching a train wreck happen. i felt frozen and didn't do anything to change it.

my expenses have been outnumbering my cash flow. although it doesn't seem as if i've been living on credit, i haven't been paying off much debt either. i've been slowly sinking.

so i had to call around to try to refi my house. i think i found something. i just need to get an appraisal, which i kinda wanna have done anyway. i'm hoping i can wrap my vehicle loan and a coupla cards in the loan so i will only have 1 payment. this would be joyous and probably save me a few hundred dollars a month. it depends on the appraisal really. it's a good thing i am blessed with a townhouse. it is offering me some flexibility.

but believe me, this a vantage point that took some jockeying to reach. i was very panicked earlier this week. i was angry, i was projecting onto my job, my life... and then i remembered steps 10 and 11. and i have come back to earth and rekindled my belief that i will be taken care of.

i hope i get a little more buck-in-pocket. have a disco biscuit on me, dolls...


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know steps 10 or 11. Heck, I don't know the other 10 steps either! But I do know that money worries are about as stressful as it can get. That and poor health are a few of the things where one really knows that they only have their 2 feet to stand on; and are truly alone in this world. :P

Mark Olmsted said...

I have detected a tadly cavalier attitude from you in the finance department--trust me, it takes one to know one.
The willingness to live in the grounded reality of limits, there's the rub. We reject them, particularly as addicts who have known the magic illusion of having jumped right over them, so many times.

Java said...

Um, Ouch to what marc said. That sounds too close to reality for me. I'm glad you have some positive options going for you.

and you said "disco biscuit." LMAO!

DirtyBitchSociety said...

Disco Biscuit, hahaha!!

Wouldn't you agree, that everybody would benefit from the Traditions and 12 Steps?

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