i think david beckham is da bomb! don't you?
it's set! i will be going to la for cmala at the end of this month. flights are secured and registration is paid. i have a friend who just moved to palm springs and will be in la for a tony robbins seminar that i will try to share a room with.
i am hoping to spend some time w/marc while i'm there. he makes my heart smile. and he has created a line of greeting cards that i love and i would like to get some to bring back with me. (maybe 4 sets)....
i really need meetings right now in my life. i need a fellowship from which to gain sustenance, too. certainly this is a lovely and important message for me. and, i can also use some time away. i still have that amends to do with a family member and that person lives in manhattan beach. i am going to try to facilitate that. much of this very recent mess is wholly reminiscent of this particular familial relationship, and i believe that if i don't make a stronger effort to heal the big one, it will keep reappearing in my life just as it has done again.
i have begun to look around for other efforts to get involved with. just as chris is doing with his relationship intention, i am working on in a vocation arena. i am creating space for something new to move into my life.
i have started a new affirmation which is "i am happy, healthy, and whole. i am immersed in abundance and support"
I'm so glad you're coming! I will squire you around all you need be. And of course you can have as many cards as you need!
How exciting! I can relate to your excitement about just getting away. Hopefully the meeting will charge you up.
Good luck with the family member. I hope that goes well.
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