i was greeted with this lovely piece of fanmail yesterday as my day began. you know i am reminded often of how lucky i am in my life. my happiness may not be over the top, but i trust it is solid, calm, and hopefully stable.
i hope the purpose of my sharing this letter is to show that recovery does not come without challenges. it's not life that sends us into a tizzy, it's our reaction to it. i hope this very sad author can find the help he needs.
Dear supportors of Rod rushings,
I would like to express my outrage for you all placing this guy in the public
spot light. i have been watching this queen move around Denver like she forgot
who she was, a nasty drug addict like the rest of us. how did Rod Rushings
become the spoke's person for the AIDS Planning Council given his sexual and
mental health issues not to mention he's a meth sex addict? what is the
back-ground check, who checks to see if he's for real with the things he's
saying. Mr. ...... i am surprised he works as a gay out reach worker, do you
even know what he was like at the clubs? do you even know who he really is? he
is all over town talking about how wonderful he is and most of you don't even
know. I met him several times, at the bath house, at ****. he was just at ****'s mental health housing program, and he's our leader? i question the
judgement of the AIDS Planning Council. several of us are shocked! you need to
investigate folks, Mr. ..... should know better to leave us stuck with this drug
addict and sex addict who claims to be in recovery. get a clue. do some
investigation into Rushings past.
please check him out!
marc- i know you will find this vid reference obtuse, but i think you'll get my meaning.
I still think it is hilarious he spells your name wrong.
Although I think I will use it now.
Instead of RodRushing (all one word) you will be RodRushings (all one word).
Stay solid. This is a sick guy no doubt.
Everywhere they go - there they are. And they'll always find someone to project onto.
Pretty much like that sad, angry (and possibly self-loathing) Sally Kearns person.
Methinks they protest too much.
Stay strong ;0)
The inability to perceive someone else as in recovery is the sure marker of someone who is not. Sick eyes only see sickness.
You can't control him, but you can control your reaction, and I think posting his letter is a masterstroke, because ONLY some in recovery would do that.
As if anything he could tell us wasn't something you've already shared!
And I get the video. It makes sense--the stranger within.
Well, yeah, but this is RECOVERY! Where we learn how to deal with shit in a healthy way rather than trying to destroy ourselves.
Good strength here, Rod.
This post hit me like a sucker punch. Try as I might to accept that those of us in recovery often are not given the benefit of our intentions, my adrenaline rushes when I read a hateful missive like this. I guess I'm putting myself in your shoes, and feeling projected outrage (probably more outrage than you feel!).
But the upside of a hate bomb like this is simply to reinforce that, at the end of the day, we each have to be OK in our hearts with who we are, and where we know we are going. Hard as it is to "feel" this way sometimes, ultimately what others think of you does not matter.
Thanks for sharing this not-so-pleasant development. In doing so, you already have risen above.
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