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Sunday, November 11, 2007

a boat on the sea

image credit: yeros

"a boat on the sea" excerpt
I know everything's exactly how it should be
All's right with this world
I never knew I
Was built so strong
My heart
My heart is a boat on the sea
I never knew I
Was built for hurricanes
My heart
My heart is a boat on the sea
In the cold and the dark...
You're the grace of my heart
In the cold and the dark...
You're the grace of my heart
In the cold... and the dark...
You're the grace...of my heart

i have been blessed with realizing that i have choices in my life. i don't have to follow my instinct on every situation. i don't have to live in anger, or fear, or judgement and i don't have to get high in order to deal. i can let go of these things and maybe grow into a better person whose life is fulfilled in deeper ways.

Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addiction to crystal meth and all other mind-altering substances.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. There are no dues or fees for CMA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. CMA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; and neither endorses nor opposes any causes.

Our primary purpose is to live free of active addiction and to carry that message to the addict who still suffers.

before i got sober, my life was being tossed about as if i had been lost at sea. meth had made my already stormy existence feel like it was in a tsunami and then left me in a place that i didn't recognize at all. i couldn't find my way back. treatment was llke an island which allowed me to dry off, but 12 step helped me get to higher ground. i completely believe now that help is on the way.

i really love the nycma website. i don't live there, but i love their outreach. they are forward thinking, they are inclusive, and they are public minded. incredible newsletter, too. please support recovery whenever and wherever you can. and please visit nycma

this is another song sung by kirsten vigard for the film "grace of my heart." i just watched the film again last night and remembered why i am so fond of it. the music is sweet, the performances are tight, and the message is that life's journey does have twists and turns and pain and pleasure. and if we can find our balance through most of it, the ride will have been a rollercoaster but will lead us to ourselves. "all's right with this world." "my heart is like a boat on the sea"

i truly wish you a funfilled and relaxing weekend. i know i need one.

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