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Thursday, December 27, 2007

lousy vinyl

image credit: photoscout

did ya ever want something a whole lot and then finally get it???
only to discover that it ain't all that great and ya can't figure out what ya made all the fuss about? now i need to remember my way back from the land of expectation.


Java said...

Very interesting photo on this post. Interesting = confusing. This post reminds me of a story my freshman roommate told of when she was a small child. She'd seen Pop-Tart commercials where an animated toaster was extolling the virtues of the pastry. After much begging on her part, her mom finally bought her some Pop-Tarts. It was a crushing blow to her psyche when *her* toaster didn't come to life to help her enjoy the Pop-Tarty goodness. She wouldn't eat Pop-Tarts for years after that disappointment.
And thanks for the touching sentiments you expressed on my page.

Java said...

I have a question I've been meaning to ask for a while. Why is crystal meth called "tina?" Is there a difference between meth and crystal meth? Does "tina" refer only to crystal meth or to any form of methamphetamine?

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