birds eye view

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Friday, December 28, 2007


now, how did i get to this place?

this is a time of the year that lends itself to personal reflection and looking inward. it's way too cold to play much outdoors, and difficult to motor about. we got another 6 inches of snow yesterday, it's very cold and it's stalling things.

funny how that is very much how i am feeling, too. stalled, kinda stuck and not moving. i know that this is not a sign of something wrong, but there's that tendency to feel more comfortable in crazytown where everything is and always should be frenetic. i have to remember that crazy is only a memory...

i am learning (i hope)..

pssst- i've posted one of my old sugarhill faves on aftermeth

1 comment:

Staggo"s List said...

I escaped from Cleveland, OH, where Canada's Arctic blast comes down across Lake Erie. In February, my real birth month (as opposed to the quarterly birthday's I make up in order to get presents--no shit), the temp drops below zero, with a wind chill of 200 below. I hated every February, because of the nightmare weather. Now, here in Seattle, where the horrid depths of winter drops to the low 40's above, I love the fact I was born. Mommy Nature always wins out.

Might I donate my brain?

Hi, guy!

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