birds eye view

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Sunday, January 27, 2008


image credit: dead robot
i really love the original caption with the photo- supergay and his sidekick bagpussy

well another saturday night in gotham and our 3 superheroes did what most big city do-gooders find themselves doing- staying in and chillin'. bryan is a guest at my house and marc is staying with lannie and we had enough superpowers to order in and get some rest. they both were so phenomenally gracious in helping with some last minute details and we were all pooped. at least i was.

bryan and i ordered pizza and watched "suberbad" another teen-coming-of-age farce that is newly out on video. it was so stupid and i loved it. the lead character "seth" gets hit by different cars a few times and it is so slapstick it made me belly laugh. and that is great medicine for me. it is sexist in ways, it is not pc, and i thoroughly enjoyed its nonsense.

if you need a good laugh with friends, nothing serious, just stoopid fun, this may be a good choice. i guess there's still a teenager locked inside me who likes to get out once in awhile. supergay is a term used in the film to describe seth's juvenile obsession with drawing penises. believe me, some of the drawings are outrageous.:p

i've included the dick drawing segment and i also wanna shout out about the soundtrack 'cuz it's an homage to 70's funk. i was a schoolboy when 70's funk was hot and i still dig it like a schoolboy.

obviously it's a fun weekend for me in denver.

1 comment:

A Bear in the Woods said...

That video is so freakin funny! I almost popped a hernia laughing.

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