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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

winter ramblings

“I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape - the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn't show.” .... Andrew Wyeth

man, is it cold here! my bathroom sink pipe has frozen again. i am hoping it's only another small item and it will thaw sometime today with no problems (and no huge mess). i got home last night about six- my moonlight job had been cancelled for the evening due to the weather. i piddled around the house for about an hour, watched an episode of :"income property" that i had recorded and fell asleep by 8pm. this was a total luxury for me, but sadly i forgot to let the water drip from that faucet.

we had the 2nd of 13 journaling group sessions. 2 more people joined and 1 didn't make it. there was a bit more chaos as they were provided with magazines to cut up and construction paper to do oragami or write on. all this to engage the right brain and unlodge some creative blocks. and the journaling piece (a cornerstone of the group) has remained in tact.

my office is having our client holiday party this friday. i am only making hot cider.that is definitely a blessing time wise. i am looking forward to it, for sure. at the end of the party, i have a meeting with a residential treatment program near our campus that has recently had personnel shifts. the previous management team has been gracious enough to support several of our clients in need of a landing pad.

 note to santa: dear santa- can you please leave us a ryan white supported residential drug treatment program for our state? honestly we've been good all year, done all our chores, and behaved as we were asked.

our office party is the following saturday night at a restaurant. i am also looking forward to that. i love this restaurant and haven't eaten there since last year. and i have never actually sat down with the entire staff- minus 2- for a meal, although it did come close at a baby shower brunch last summer. the myriad of personalities and backgrounds is actually fascinating. and despite all the drama, (and there has been drama) i have had one of the greatest experiences of my life.

i picked up parties on xmas eve and nye this year. the new sofa needs to be paid and every little bit will help. besides the hostess asks me every year to work and i have turned her down the last couple of years. i like her, although i think many of my colleagues find her difficult. i guess i relate on some level because many of my contemporaries find me challenging too. she was injured a few years back and has challenges doing ordinary things and has some constant pain as well. i guess i understand her focus, her determination, and her never-mentioned struggle.

i am spending christmas day in idaho springs with a few relatives. each year, we take a drive around the neighboring towns and rate the worst holiday decorations and lights. it's always a night time excursion and we always have fun and find a surprise or two. the winner is never the same, and we definitely have fun making up stories about what was going on in peoples' lives and heads when the sprucing of their homes took place.

some friends from la are scheduled to be in that weekend and will be at a cousin's home, but am double booked that day. we'll see about that one.

today's sound choice is a complete departure from this post. but a friend posted it on fb and i can't get it outta my head. i remember this song. i remember the after parties, i remember the sentiment and the posturing that accompanied this time in my life. i would never go back, but i have made a pact to not regret either. and i don't. even though linda's  lyric and rappin' are jaded, they represent a naivete i had at this time. in 1978 or 79 i was 21 years old. i had so little experience to be relating to "i ain't got no hearteache to spare." but i did anyway... here is a 12" promo release of linda clifford with "runaway love" i hope you have fun with it.


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1 comment:

Unknown said...

It hasn't gotten cold enough here for frozen pipes, not yet. You have a busy holiday season planned. I hope the holidays bring you much joy.

I'm not familiar with Linda Clifford but I had fun with the song. Thanks fo sharing.

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