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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the shape of my heart

image credit: pink and wrinkly

pink and wrinkly is how i feel today. it almost feels like afterglow. or perhaps like i just had really hot sex. i'm a bit woozy and a little lightheaded. i'm glad for a bit of downtime and a chance to recharge.

valentines day is approaching. traditionally that's a busy time for me. my mom's birthday, my cousin's birthday, valentine's day, my aunt's bday, and then it's time to beware the ides of march. i have always like valentine's day. or at least the idea of it. i haven't had a "valentine" in quite some time, but i can really appreciate the abundance of chocolate everywhere.

my understanding is that the meth project has secured some additional funding. this potentially provides me with a reliable revenue stream and monies to continue services. i have an idea for a bit of additional services and i hope i can bring them to fruition.

the gay men's leadership training is in march in guerneville and i would especially like to attend this. i hope i can arrange it.

on a side note, someone actually contacted my office with concerns about public messaging because of the ub2. specifically, that someone would get the idea that we were promoting barebacking and unprotected sex.

this is where the title of this blog comes in. how i see things in my life definitely is directed by the shape of my heart.


Mark Olmsted said...

LOL in your case stands for Leap of Logic. I can't understand how the blog title refers to the concern that UB2 sends that message.
Which, by the way, would make me apoplectic. What was your response?
Thank you for reminding me how much I love Sting. I really have to listen to music as much as all you guys do.

Unknown said...

hey marc-

you're right. i'm probably obscure there. i mean, the shape of my heart dictates how i see the world. i try to see the best in people, not the worst, and i try to keep my own side of the street clean. i think someone that sees a barebacking message in ub2 sees the world in a different light, based on the shape of their heart.

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